Latest Past Events

Basic Refrigeration Troubleshooting Training ZOOM

ZOOM Meeting

Instruction on troubleshooting refrigeration circuits for HVAC technicians and installers. Training will cover: safety, diagrams, sequence of operation, components, and using temperature and pressure readings to properly test and make accurate diagnosis of refrigeration malfunctions. Webinar events will qualify for NATE and FAD credit hours. This class receives a 4 Hour FAD training credit and for […]


R-454B Advanced Puron A2L ZOOM

ZOOM Meeting

This course will explore how our equipment is designed to comply with safe operation when R-454B is used. The course will focus on what agencies require for A2L refrigerants and what we are doing to comply, using R-454B specifically. Webinar events will qualify for NATE and FAD credit hours. This class receives a 2 Hour […]


Basic Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Startup Training ZOOM

ZOOM Meeting

Using the industry's "Best Practices" and proper startup techniques are paramount to ensure the comfort, capacity, and reliability of the system performance to be delivered to the homeowner. This training will teach you how to measure and calculate airflow. Once verified, we will discuss system charging and things you need to know when starting up […]

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